Lowwapaneu Lodge has many units from all across the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council bearing our lodge flap on the uniforms of their members. One of those units has gone above and beyond in their service to our Order.
Troop 1016 is a Scouts BSA troop for girls located in South Scranton. The troop is run by Scoutmaster Jacob Ganz, and Assistant Scoutmaster Tammy Gownley. As one of the largest girls’ units in the council, they have a large majority of their members who are also Brothers in our Order.
The troop also has a large presence in the OA, with many of the members serving as chairmen, and their leaders serving as advisers. Meghan G., who has served as co-chairman of the Communications Committee, now serves as the Ordeal Committee Chairman. Diann L. serves as a co-chairman of the Ceremonies Committee. Lizzy G. serves as a co-chairman for the Elangomat Committee. Paige Morgan, who is also a former lodge officer, now serves as a co-chairman for the Communications Committee. Paige has also gone on to staff the National Leadership Seminar for the Eastern Region of the Order of the Arrow. Their Scoutmasters, Jake and Tammy, both serve as advisers for the Elangomat Committee.
Through their brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service, Troop 1016 has brought the ideals of the Order of the Arrow to their unit, and to the greater council.