It's time to earn your stripes!

If it has been 6 months, or longer, since you have taken your Ordeal, then you are eligible to become a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow. Eligible candidates are contacted by the lodge through mailings, e-mails, and phone calls to inform them of their next opportunity to seal their bond in Brotherhood.

What is Brotherhood?

Sealing your bond in Brotherhood does not mean you have to retake your Ordeal. The Brotherhood is a series of actions where Arrowmen come to understand the underlying truths and foundations of the principles and values of the Order of the Arrow. Brotherhood members also undergo a continuation of the journey started at the Ordeal. One of the more unique aspects of the Brotherhood process is that it empowers the individual to take power of their growth; namely, it is solely the Brotherhood Candidate who decides when it is time to enter into the Brotherhood honor.

When and where can I seal my bond in Brotherhood?

Lowwapaneu Lodge offers three annual opportunities for you to seal your bond in Brotherhood. They include Fellowship Weekend, the Goose Pond and Acahela Ordeals. At each event, there will be a Brotherhood training on Friday night followed by a Brotherhood Ceremony on Saturday. All you need to do is register for one of the events, as a Brotherhood Candidate, and show up in uniform on Friday night. Registration forms are mailed to eligible candidates prior to each event. You can also find a registration form at the end Smoke Signals or you may register directly at the Scout Service and Training Center. Further instructions on the Brotherhood training, hike, and ceremony will be explained on Friday night of the event.

Who can I contact if I still have questions?

Allison Van Pelt - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jordan Ceklosky - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Advisor: Mr. Mike Jurkowski
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anyone interested in going for their Brotherhood should take a look at the Brotherhood Manual on the downloads page or click here.

The file is password protected by a password. The password is sent out in a letter to all eligible Brotherhood Candidates. If you are having problems or did not receive the letter please contact someone of the Brotherhood committee whose contact information is above.

It Is Time to Register for the Goose Pond Ordeal

We are actively planning this years Ordeal. You can find important paperwork and registration information at the following links.

Anyone attending the ordeal can download a medical form by visiting

Members can register for the ordeal online by clicking here 

What Should I Know Before I Take My Brotherhood?

Brotherhood: Sealing the Bond

Your completion of the Ordeal sets you on the next part of your "long and toilsome journey." You must be a member of the Order of the Arrow at least 6 months before sealing the bond in Brotherhood. Your Brotherhood Journey is completed in the Brotherhood Ceremony.

The Ordeal has introduced you to the Mysteries of the Arrow. Now, during your service as an Ordeal member, you have ample opportunity to increase you knowledge of the Arrow and to make it work for you.

You must meet five challenges before you can enter the Circle of the Brotherhood. The first of these you should meet now. The next three require steady effort over a period of many months. The last challenge you must meet after you are satisfied that you are meeting the first four.

The five Challenges are:

  • Memorize the signs of Ordeal membership
  • Advance in your understanding of the ordeal
  • Serve your unit
  • Plan for service in your Lodge
  • Review your progress

To assist you in your first challenge, the Order of the Arrow Handbook had review questions. These will help you memorize the signs of the Ordeal membership.

To advance in your understanding of the Ordeal, you must attend a Brotherhood training session. You can attend a session any time after you receive your Ordeal.

Information on the other requirements can be found on page 50 of the Order of the Arrow Handbook

Once You have sealed the bond...

Step 1 - Memorize the signs of Ordeal membership.

The file "signs.pdf" contains some of the information you need. You can access the file by clicking HERE.

A password is required to access the pdf. The password is the 5th word on page 10 of the 2009 edition of the handbook. If you have any problems email a Lodge Officer.

The file "Ordeal_Ceremonies Refresher.pdf" contains some of information you need. You can access the file by clicking HERE.

A password is required to access the pdf. The password is the 5th word on page 10 of the 2009 edition of the handbook. If you have any problems email a Lodge Officer.

Additional resource can be found at the OA Jumpstart website. The Jumpstart website includes a quick orientation to the OA and review of the information learned at the Ordeal (ex. admonition). You can access the website by clicking HERE.

Step 2 - Advance in your understanding of the ordeal.

The file "customstraditions.pdf" contains the information you need. You can access the file by clicking HERE.

A password is required to access the pdf. The password is the 5th word on page 10 of the 2009 edition of the handbook. If you have any problems email a Lodge Officer.

The file "selfstudy.pdf" contains a self quiz. You can access the file by clicking HERE.

Step 3 - Serve your unit. Retain your registration in Scouting.

During a period of at least 6 months, strive to fulfill your Obligation by continuing and expanding your service to your own troop or team.

You, like all Arrowmen, must strive to continue and expand the service to your unit. As Allowat Sakima said in the Pre-Ordeal ceremony, "Friends, those who chose you need you." Extending Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service to the members of your unit is your primary responsibility. Any activities within the Order of the Arrow should come only after you've fulfilled your duty to your unit. This is why one of the requirements for Brotherhood is that you stay active in your unit for a period of at least 6 months following your induction into the OA. By staying involved, and being a positive example to the Scouts in your troop, you can make a difference in a big way.

Step 4 - Plan for service in your Lodge

Retain your registration in your Order of the Arrow lodge and keep your dues paid. Be aware that acceptance of Brotherhood membership involves a pledge of service to the lodge. Develop a concrete idea of how you plan to fulfill this pledge.

The Order of the Arrow provides many opportunities to serve. You are a unique individual with interests and skills different from anyone else, and there are several ways you can help your lodge. As you think about what role you would like to play in the OA in the future, imagine all the great things that you can become involved with: ceremonies, lodge or chapter leadership, ordeal administration, dancing, and many, many others. Probably one of the best ways to find out what you can do is to ask one of your lodge how you can help. The key is to find what is right for you and do it!

Step 5 - Review your progress

When you earnestly feel that you have met the four challenges above, write a letter to your lodge (depending on who is administering the induction).

The points it needs to address:
Writing the letter to your lodge secretary is a chance for you to reflect on some important aspects of the Order of the Arrow. It is intended to help you clearly think about the ideals of the OA, and how you've put them to use in your life - whether you ever realized it before, or not. You should think about the following things and convey them in your letter

  • Explain what you think the Obligation means - This at first can be an intimidating request, but it's not as hard as you may think. First realize that you're being asked what you "think", in other words, for your opinion. There is no single correct answer, so you shouldn't worry about being wrong. What has proven helpful to many Arrowmen in your position is to have the Obligation right in front of them when fulfilling this requirement. Read a few lines at a time, and ponder what exactly it is you've obligated yourself to. Once you've written down your thoughts, you're done with this part of the letter.
  • Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your troop or team and in your daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in this service. Now that you know what the Obligation means to you, its time to ask yourself how you've been fulfilling it in your daily interactions with Scouts and non-Scouts alike. Also, how has the Ordeal experience helped you fulfill the Obligation? Remember that the Ordeal's aim was to teach you the importance of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. One question you might ask yourself is "what did the challenges of the Ordeal teach, that has helped me to better serve my unit"
  • A description of your specific plans for giving service in the lodge program. When you were inducted into the OA, the only commitment you made was to return in service to your unit. Now that you've chosen to become a Brotherhood member, it is time to make a commitment to the Order of the Arrow. Your plan for service doesn't have to be anything overwhelming, in fact it's not expected to be.

    If you don't already know where your help is needed, ask the youth leaders of your lodge or chapter where they could use your help.