When can I wear my sash?
You can wear your sash at any Order of the Arrow sanctioned event. (i.e. Ordeals, Holiday Banquet, Committee Meetings) You can not wear your sash to your troop meeting unless an Order of the Arrow election or promotion will be held.
How can I join a committee?
You contact the committee chairman and he will provide you with the information on committee meetings and how you can help out.
Can adults be members of committees?
Yes! Although the Order of the Arrow is a youth run origination, adults provide essential resources for the youth of a committee.
When do I become an adult in the Order?
You are considered a youth and a voting member of the Order of the Arrow until you are 21. National BSA youth protection standards of 18 are still upheld in the Order of the Arrow.
What is a Committee Chairman?
A Committee Chairman is the head of given committee in the Order of the Arrow. For every Committee Chairman there is an Adult Committee Advisor.
How do I become a Committee Chairman or Committee Advisor?
Committee Chairman are chosen by the Lodge Chief and Committee Advisors are chosen by the Lodge Advisor. The committee leaders act as a cabinet for the Lodge Officers and Advisors. The best way to become a leader of a committee is to be associated with a committee and submit your name to the appropriate selector in late June for consideration.
What is Vigil?
Vigil is the third honor in the Order of the Arrow. Vigil candidates are chosen by a committee of vigil members under 21. The Vigil can not be worked towards. Two members out of every 100 members of the lodge can be nominated every year for the honor. A person is eligible for their vigil after two years of active service after their Brotherhood Ceremony.
What is the Order of the Arrow?
Sometimes referred to as the OA, the Order of the Arrow is Scouting's National Honor Society. It is a brotherhood of honored Scouts and Scouters who promote scout camping and perform service to others
What's a Lodge?
Every Scout Council in the nation has an OA Lodge associated with it. In the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council, the OA Lodge is Lowwapaneu Lodge 191. The lodge is similar to a large troop that encompasses all arrowman in a given council. There can only be 1 lodge per council. Lodges have their own scoutmaster, the Lodge advisor and their own Senior Patrol Leader, the Lodge Chief. The third link in the key 3 of the lodge is not a committee, but the council professional staff with the lodge staff advisor as the liaison and the council executive in the role similar to the committee chairman.
Who runs the Lodge?
The Lodge is run by an Executive Committee, at the head of which sits the Lodge Chief, and the other Lodge Officers. The Lodge also has established a number of standing committees headed by committee chairman. The Lodge Officers and Committee Chairman comprise the voting members of the Lodge Executive Committee. All voting members, that is, all the Lodge Officers and Chairman are youth members, under the age of 21. No OA member over the age of 21 may serve as an officer, chairman or chief. The Council appoints a Lodge Adviser to guide the executive committee and help facilitate their goals and objectives. The Lodge Adviser appoints a Committee Adviser for each Chairman and any other Advisers as may be necessary. The Council also assigns a Staff Adviser to the Lodge. Although members of the Executive Committee, the Advisers are not voting members.
When does the Lodge Executive Committee meet?
The Lodge Executive Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of each month from August through May at the Council Service and Training Center. Meetings begin at 7:30 PM. All OA members are invited to attend. While all members are invited to attend, please remember that only executive committee members may vote. In December we have our Holiday Banquet. In June and July, meetings may be held at Goose Pond Scout Reservation.
Where can I purchase Lodge Flaps and OA supplies?
Lodge Flaps, OA sashes, and Lodge merchandise can be purchased at all Lodge functions. Lodge Flaps are also available at summer camp in the trading posts and in the Scout Shops.
Where do I get more information?
Contact the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser or Lodge Staff Advisor. Also, please visit the Lodge Website often for updates and more detailed information
Why does the OA keep most of it's activities secret?
Answer: First of all, the Order of the Arrow is not a secret organization. Rather, we recognize that an aura of mystery not only stimulated interest in the Lodge, but also helps new members feel proud of an accomplishment that is not achieved by every Scout.
Most candidates receive less benefits from the induction if they know about the induction in advance. Knowledge lowers expectancy, dulls the edge of experience. In other words, you hurt candidates by telling them about the "Ordeal." Parents should feel free to discuss the experiences their children had at the Ordeal, after it's completion.
The Order of the Arrow is happy to share any pertinent information about our activities with legitimately interested individuals. For more information, one should contact the Lodge Advisor
Where can I find out about OA awards and recognition?
https://oa-bsa.org/program/awards or contact the lodge advisor or the lodge chief