Thank you for registering online for the Lowwapaneu Lodge Ordeal Weekend at Goose Pond Scout Reservation, May 30 - June 1, 2025.
We have updated our Registration System to allow you to register multiple participants of the Ordeal weekend at the same time. You can register up to 10 people on this form. To begin, first select the number of people you are registering, then add the requested information for each participant.
- Full Name: First and Last name (and any suffix as needed (Jr, Sr, II, etc.)
- Scouting America Member ID: Found in my,scouting, Scoutbook, etc. Ensure we register the correct individual
- Registration Type: You can choose:
- Candidate ($55.00): For participants completing the Ordeal this weekend, and elected (youth) or nominated (adult) in 2025 by your troop, crew, or ship for membership in the Order of the ArrowThis cost includes food, your lodge dues until Dec. 31, 2026, and the recognition items you will receive at the conclusion of your Ordeal. These items include an Ordeal sash, pocket flap, and OA handbook. A portion of this fee also covers mailing and printing costs as well as your Brotherhood induction and new Brotherhood sash when you Seal Your Bond. If you feel you need assistance with this fee, please contact the OA Lodge Staff Advisor at the Service Center.
- Member ($30.00 / $35.00 after May 24): For participants currently a member of Lowwapaneu Lodge or are seeking to Seal the Bond of Brotherhood.
- Meals ($8.00 per meal): For participants not attending the full weekend. Select which meals you will be participating in.
- Season Pass Holder: For lodge season pass holders. Ordeal fees are already included in your 2025 Season Pass.
Participant Registration