I hope that this message finds you and your loved ones in good health. Amid the current crisis surrounding the COVID-19 virus, we unfortunately find ourselves with much uncertainty as a global community. It is important to remember however that it is times like this that allow creativity and growth to surface in our society. The situation at hand has the potential to bring out the very best in all of us. Just because social distancing measures are in place does not mean that we cannot continue to be active within the great community that is our brotherhood. The three key ideals of Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service could not be more relevant or necessary at this time.
I am pleased to say that instead of halting all activities over the past few months, Lowwapaneu Lodge has continued to hold various program opportunities via online resources and social media platforms. As social distancing measures are slowly lowered, we remain committed to providing service to our council and those within it. On June 7th, we held our annual Adopt a Highway service project on Goose Pond Road, marking the beginning of our gradual return to in-person events. Our current plan is to hold the Fall Ordeal on the weekend of August 15th at Camp Acahela. This will be an excellent opportunity for those elected into the order to take their ordeal, and those eligible to seal their bond in brotherhood. We will finally be able to join once again in our circle and look back on a truly remarkable year. By staying connected as the brotherhood of arrowmen that we are, we can make it through this together. I look forward to seeing you at the Fall Ordeal or a smaller Lodge function even sooner. Until then, remember to wash your hands, keep a safe distance, and check out the latest episode of Lowwapanews on YouTube!
Leo Kehagias
Lowwapaneu Lodge Chief